Regenerate Auto-Assignment schedules
LFSO schedules that were created using Auto-Assignment can be regenerated in the LFSO Schedule screen. This can be used to replace or adjust the original generated schedule to account for changes in the forecast, staffing requirements, or employee availability since the schedule was generated. Schedule regeneration can be performed on schedules that start on the current date or in the future.
Full schedule regeneration can be performed on unpublished schedules. Full schedule regeneration discards the workload requirements and regenerates them based on the current forecast or workload. When performing a full schedule regeneration, you can select if you would like to discard the existing shifts and regenerate them or if you would like to keep the existing shifts and only generate new shifts to cover increases in the staffing requirements.
Mid-week schedule regeneration can be used to adjust published schedules for changes in the forecast or workload. This option regenerates the staffing requirements and generates new shifts to cover any increases. All existing shifts in the schedule are kept.
See "Regenerating schedules" in the Infor Workforce Management LFSO Implementation and Administration Guide.