New Balance Reports
Infor introduces two new Reports:
Balance Detail Report
The Balance Detail Report displays an employee's balances for a time period. Employee balances can include time codes, such as Sick days (SICK) or Vacation time (VAC), as well as allocated supplies or uniforms. The report also displays changes that have occurred to the balance between the start and end dates. Changes include any increase or decrease to the balances. For example, taking a vacation day decreases the balance available to the employee. When a change in the employee balance occurs, the increase or decrease is displayed between the Initial and Final Balances of the report. You can specify employee, balance type, and/or team selection criteria for the report. If you do not specify selection criteria, the report displays all employee balances that are available. Additionally the report can be output as a PDF or CSV file.
Balance Summary Report
The Balance Summary Report displays an employee's balances for a specific date in time. Employee balances can include time codes, such as Sick days (SICK) or Vacation time (VAC), as well as allocated supplies or uniforms. You can specify employee, balance type, and/or team selection criteria for the report. If you do not specify selection criteria, the report displays all employee balances that are available. Additionally the report can be output as a PDF or CSV file.
For more information, see the Reporting Guide.