Row level versioning in Master Rotations and One-time Schedule templates
Row versioning has been added to the MR and OTS components to make the maintenance of schedules more flexible. Rotation rows in an MR define the shift rotation and labor metrics that are repeated to create the long-term schedule. When the MR is activated for the first time, the schedule is generated by repeating the shift rotation defined in each rotation row. Rows in an OTS template store a rotation of shifts and labor metrics that is used when creating new OTS schedules based on the template.
New row versions can be created to edit the shifts and labor metrics in the base schedule rotation. New row versions are given an effective date range, to make the schedule changes permanent or temporary. In an MR, new row versions are activated to directly update the schedule. In an OTS template, new row versions are activated to update the schedule rotation used in future OTS schedules created from the OTS template.
Row versions mitigate the risk of overwriting previous changes to the schedule. For example, if you create a new row version for an employee changing from full-time to part-time in July, none of the other schedule rows for other employees are affected. This is true regardless of whether other changes have been made to the schedule rotation with effective dates before or after the change.
See "Row versions for template and rotation rows" in the Infor Workforce Management Multiview Scheduler User Guide.