Release 6.2.4
Multiview Scheduler (MVS)
ASV new features
ASV new features
These features have been added for the Advanced Schedule View (ASV).
Side TOC
Side TOC
Release 6.2.4
Labor Forecasting and Schedule Optimization (LFSO)
Multiview Scheduler (MVS)
New user experience for Master Rotation and One-time Schedule
ASV new features
Automatic reloading of schedule when using the date arrow buttons
Displaying only preferred jobs in the employee contact card
Mass edit float
Auto-Assignment new features
Call list filtering by shift team
Consecutive shift edit management
Overriding the inherited schedule period of a child team
Re-validating schedule compliance based on non-MVS changes
Shift Edit Validation callout
Shift short code indicators
Shift type in call list and RCA filtering
Time and Attendance
Business Intelligence