Staff Scheduler (Manpower Scheduler)
Manpower Scheduler can now track when a job opportunity (regardless of the number of hours offered) has been offered to an employee for a period of time. The Qualified Employees pop-up window displays the number of Opportunities Offered for each employee.
Users can schedule overtime (i.e., employees can be scheduled for more hours than their assigned shift).
Users can copy templates and template requirements to new templates.
Employees who are not scheduled in the Manpower Schedule will have un-authorized job records.
A new warning message displays when a user books an employee as off or absent.
Users can specify the order of Additional Data Fields, so that the most frequently used or important fields can be ordered before other fields.
Users can modify multiple cells simultaneously.
The schedule displays a Comment box that the user can print with the rest of the schedule.
From Manpower Scheduler, the selection criteria on the Manpower - Area Selection screen allow schedulers to select employees from multiple fields and also allow a “union” between selection fields. For example, an administrator can select employees from Team 1 in addition to Employee A. The resulting schedule would show all employees in Team 1 and Employee A.
A configuration parameter was added to the Workbrain Registry to allow Overtime Equalization information to be bypassed when the information is not required.
The Scheduling Import Interface feature was added to the core product.