
Mobile devices can store and transmit GPS data that provide systems with information about where a particular device is currently located. A geofence is a virtual perimeter that represents a geographic zone or area. For example, you can define the area around a particular store location using a 50-meter radius. If your employees use mobile devices for clocking, you can use geofencing to prohibit employees from performing clocking outside of the virtual perimeter. Alternatively, you can use geofencing to track whether a clock transaction occurred inside or outside this virtual area.

See "Defining and using geolocations" in the Infor Workforce Management Daily Timesheet User Guide.

Clock validation

To prevent employee swipes from unauthorized locations (for instance, on their way to work), you can enable the geofencing clock validation rule to check whether the clock was performed within an employee's expected geographic location. If the employee attempts to perform a clock transaction outside of their expected geographic location, then the clock will be prohibited by the system. To determine whether the clock falls within the employee's geolocation, the rule checks the employee's schedule at the time of the clock and a grace period that you configure.

See "Geofencing clock validation rule" in the Infor Workforce Management Time and Attendance Implementation and Administration Guide.

To force employees to enable location services on their devices, the location services clock validation rule checks if an attempted clock includes longitude and latitude values. If an employee attempts to perform a clock transaction on their device while location services are disabled, then the clock will be prohibited by the system.

Note: On mobility, location services clock validation is enabled by default. If you want to allow employees to clock using their device while location services are disabled, you must disable location services validation.

See "Location services clock validation rule" in the Infor Workforce Management Time and Attendance Implementation and Administration Guide.

Unauthorize Rule

As an alternative to the geofencing clock validation, you can configure the Unauthorize Rule to unauthorize timesheets when employees record a clock outside of their expected geographic location. To determine whether the clock falls within the employee's expected geolocation, the Unauthorize Rule uses the same logic (scheduled time plus grace period) as the geofencing clock validation.

See "Unauthorize Rule" in the Infor Workforce Management Time and Attendance Implementation and Administration Guide.


When an employee performs a clock transaction using their mobile device, the location of the clock relative to the defined geofence can be displayed on the applicable work summary in the desktop and mobility timesheets. For each applied clock that contains coordinates, a map shows the exact location of the clock and whether the clock occurred inside or outside the boundary of the employee's expected geolocation (using the same logic as the geofencing clock validation and the Unauthorize Rule). In addition, a warning icon is displayed on the timesheet when a clock is outside the boundary of the employee's expected geolocation, is outside the employee's schedule, or has no coordinates.

See "Viewing the geolocation of applied clocks" in the Infor Workforce Management Daily Timesheet User Guide.