Unauthorize Rule
The Unauthorize Rule includes a parameter for unauthorizing days that were manually authorized if a subsequent edit was made to the day. Prior to POST-705, the rule did not consider employee permanent overrides to be an edit, and thus timesheets potentially affected by such overrides remained authorized.
With the change in POST-705, however, employee permanent overrides are now considered to be an edit. For some customers, this change meant that many records that previously did not get re-unauthorized now do so, including overrides that may not materially alter the timesheet (such as a permanent override to an employee flag).
To make this change optional, the rule has been updated to support a new, optional parameter. By default, the parameter is disabled, meaning that employee permanent overrides are not considered to be an edit by the rule. If an employee permanent override is performed on a day after an authorization override has been applied, that day remains authorized.
See "Unauthorize Rule" in the Infor Workforce Management Time and Attendance Implementation and Administration Guide.