Absence Management
Balance Calculation - FMLA Normal Workweek Dynamic 12 Week Average
There is now the capability to dynamically calculate the FMLA normal workweek based on an averaging of the employee’s schedule for the time immediately preceding the reported absence. By default the setting is 12 weeks in accordance with the FMLA.
Configurable Employer Controls vs. Employee Controlled Time
Absence Management now supports the application of absences against positive time reporting and exception time reporting employees. An out of the box pay rule has been provided that gives clients the ability to determine what kinds of time, such as paid vs. unpaid breaks, are included and not included in leave balance deductions and pay calculations.
Linking External Documents
Case Management now features a List View which displays all documents for a particular leave.
Note Types will also include the ability for users to link documents (external files) to a Note, either by browsing for the document in a network file system, or by linking to a document URL which has been received via interface.
Time & Attendance Integration Enhancements
The out of the box pay rule has been enhanced to provide more accurate leave pay calculations. The pay rule provides for variations in employee pay rates by leave type, such as fractional leave pay scenarios.
Users will now be able to directly report absences, view existing absences and see leave status and balance activity details directly from the Daily Timesheet.