Time-off Planner change requests
Organizations can now select by defined time-off type, the types that users can submit for past days and the types that are not eligible for past day requests.
Organizations can now define by time-off type, a minimum and maximum days range during which an employee can submit a request. For example, your organization may wish to restrict employees from submitting scheduled vacation requests less than 7 days in advance, and prohibit them from entering such a request more than 365 days in advance. These minimum and maximum values also support negative numbers. For example, employees can submit a retroactive sick day up to seven days from the date on which the sick day was actually taken.
Note: By design, approvers are not bound by these constraints. This
exemption allows approvers to work on pending employee requests that were
submitted during the allowable window but have not yet been acted upon.
- The Time-off Planner now supports the submission and approval of multiple partial-day requests on a single day.
- Holidays now appear on both the Time-off Calendar and Approval Screens. Holidays are defined as days on which a holiday override is present for each affected employee.
- On the Time-off Calendar, users can now hover over each balance to
reveal additional information about that balance. Specifically, the hover layer
- the amount accrued in the current calendar year
- the amount used so far in the current calendar year
- the current balance (as of the current day)
- any future approved entries in the current year
- The Approval screen now provides the ability for users to filter
their list by request status. The options are:
- pending approval (selected by default)
- pending cancellation (selected by default)
- approved (selected by default)
- canceled or denied (unselected by default)
- employees with no requests (unselected by default)
- The Approval screen now provides users with the ability to view in the
list, either only their direct reports (default) or all employees visible within the
user's position within the team hierarchy. Note: The system follows the logic defined in the DIRECT_REPORTS_TEAM_LEVELS registry setting. Also used by the notification bar, this registry setting allows organizations to define the number of levels down in the hierarchy that a team can be and still have the team’s employees be considered a direct report. See the Infor WFM Registry Parameters Guide.
- The Approval screen now provides the following sorting options:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Full Name (default)
- Employee Name
- Seniority Date
- Submitted On
- Starts On
Note: Sorting is applied separately to each displayed team. If multiple teams are displayed, the records are sorted within each team and not to the list as a whole. - The Time-off Calendar icons have been updated to match the icons used on the Mobility application.
- UI improvements to the Approval screen increase the screen’s readability.