Labor Scheduler

For this release Infor introduces a new module called Labor Scheduler. Labor Scheduler is a comprehensive scheduler with the following features:

  • Rules Based Auto Scheduler: Automatically generates an ideal schedule, based on projected requirements, employee skill assignments, employee job assignments, employee preferences, planned time-off and budgetary considerations.
  • Demand Based Scheduling: uses historical data on an hourly or daily basis, to determine the best employee schedule to meet business requirements.
  • Schedule Compliance: Ensures that all manual schedule edits adhere to the organizational schedule rules that have been configured.
  • Schedule Auditing/Logging: For audit purposes all decisions made by the Auto Scheduler are logged. In addition to logging of the Auto Scheduler all manual schedule edits that have been made to a schedule are also logged.
  • Conflicts: Conflicts are logical conditions used by schedule generation and schedule compliance to prevent certain combinations of Jobs from being scheduled on an employee¡¦s schedule, or to prevent employees, or jobs, from being scheduled in sequence or concurrently.
  • Overtime Equalization: The overtime functionality provides the user with a prioritized list of employees to offer overtime shifts to. It allows the scheduler to record the results of both negative offers as well as assign the shift to employees who accept the overtime offer.

For more information, see:

  • Labor Scheduler User Guide
  • Labor Scheduler System Administrators Guide