Requesting a one-way shift trade in ETM
From the ETM main menu bar, click
Work Schedule.
The Work Schedule page is displayed.
- Click the Swap Shifts tab to access a Shift Trade Request form.
- Select your substitute. The substitute is the employee who will take over your original shift.
- In the Please Complete this section for 1 way Shift Trades section select the date of the shift you want to trade in the Date Affected field.
Do one of the following:
- Select the Overnight check box to indicate that the shift occurs overnight.
- Clear the Overnight check box to indicate that the shift does not occur overnight.
Do one of the following:
- To trade your entire shift for the date selected, leave the From drop-down lists blank.
- To trade only part of your shift for the date selected, indicate the time your substitute should start working your shift in the From drop-down lists.
Do one of the following:
- To trade your entire shift for the date selected, leave the To drop-down lists blank.
- To trade only part of your shift for the date selected, indicate the time your substitute should stop working your shift using the To drop-down lists.
The time difference between From and To indicates the range of time for the partial shift you want to trade (for example, 12:00 PM – 03:00 PM indicates a 3 hour shift). You cannot indicate a time range outside of what you were originally scheduled for (for example, you cannot trade a 12:00 PM– 06:00 PM shift if you were originally scheduled to work 09:00 AM – 03:00 PM).
- Optionally, specify the reason for your shift trade request or any other pertinent information in the Comment text box.
- Click Submit to send your Shift Trade Request form. This opens the ETM main menu screen.