Requesting a two-way shift trade in ETM
From the ETM main menu bar, click
Work Schedule.
The Work Schedule page is displayed.
- Click the Swap Shifts tab to access a Shift Trade Request form.
- Select your substitute. A substitute is an employee who can take over your original shift.
- In the Please Complete this section for 1 way Shift Trades section select the date of the shift you want to trade in the Date Affected field.
Do one of the following:
- Select the Overnight check box to indicate that the shift occurs overnight.
- Clear the Overnight check box to indicate that the shift does not occur overnight.
Do one of the following:
- To trade your entire shift for the date selected, leave the From drop-down lists blank.
- To trade only part of your shift for the date selected, indicate the time your substitute should start working your shift in the From drop-down lists.
Do one of the following:
- To trade your entire shift for the date selected, leave the To drop-down lists blank.
- To trade only part of your shift for the date selected, indicate the time your substitute should stop working your shift using the To drop-down lists.
The time difference between From and To indicates the range of time for the partial shift you want to trade (for example, 12:00 PM – 03:00 PM indicates a 3 hour shift). You cannot indicate a time range outside of what you were originally scheduled for (for example, you cannot trade a 12:00 PM– 06:00 PM shift if you were originally scheduled to work 09:00 AM – 03:00 PM).
- Optionally, specify the reason for your shift trade request or any other pertinent information in the Comment text box.
- In the Also Complete this Section 2 ways Shift Trades section, select the date of the shift you can work in the Date Affected field. This is the shift you will work for your substitute, in return for “trading off” your original shift.
Do one of the following:
- Select the Overnight check box to indicate that the shift occurs overnight.
- Clear the Overnight check box to indicate that the shift does not occur overnight.
Do one of the following:
- To work your substitute's entire shift for the date selected, leave the From drop-down lists blank.
- To work only part of your substitute's shift for the date selected, indicate the time you will start working his/her shift in the From drop-down lists.
Do one of the following:
- To work your substitute's entire shift for the date selected, leave the To drop-down lists blank.
- To work only part of your substitute's shift for the date selected, indicate the time you will stop working his/her shift in the To drop-down lists.
The time difference between From and To indicates the range of time for the partial shift you will work for your substitute (for example, 12:00 PM– 03:00 PM indicates a 3 hour shift). You cannot indicate a time range outside of what your substitute was originally scheduled for (for example, you cannot work a 12:00 – 06:00 PM shift if your substitute was originally scheduled to work 09:00 AM – 03:00 PM).
- Click Submit to send your Shift Trade Request form. The ETM main menu screen is displayed.