Creating billboard groups

Billboard groups determine which teams' shifts are posted to the billboard, who can post shifts, and who can claim posted shifts.
  1. Select Scheduling > Shift Billboard > Billboard Group.
  2. Click Create New Entry.
  3. Specify a name and description for the group that you are creating.
    Note:  When creating a Billboard Group, ensure that you specify the Group Description to avoid empty results in the Billboard Manager.
  4. Click Save to display the additional sub-forms.
  5. In the Billboard Group Team sub-form, specify this information to determine which teams can claim shifts posted by this billboard group:
    Specify a team that can claim shifts posted by this billboard group.
    Apply to Sub Teams
    Select this check box to allow members of sub-teams to claim shifts.
    Include Non-Home Team
    Select this check box to allow employees with temporary team membership to claim shifts. When this check box is cleared, only home team members can claim shifts.
  6. Click Save.
  7. In the Billboard Shift Team sub-form, specify this information to determine which teams' shifts are posted to the billboard:
    Specify a team that can post shifts to the billboard.
    Apply to Sub Teams
    Select this check box to allow shifts from sub-teams to be posted to the billboard.
    Start Date and End Date
    Specify a start date and end date when shifts may be posted.
    Manager Can Post
    Select this check box to allow unassigned shifts from the team to be posted from scheduling screens.
    Employee Can Post
    Select this check box to allow employees to post their own shifts. Posted shifts must belong to the specified team.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Optionally, in the Billboard Group Employee sub-form, specify individual employees who can claim shifts posted by this billboard group.
    Specify effective dates when the employee may claim shifts in the Eff Start Date and Eff End Date fields. This can be used to give access to the billboard to employees that are not members of the teams specified in the Billboard Group Team sub-form.
  10. Click Save.