Claiming billboard shifts in ETM

Employees can claim available shifts from the billboard in ETM.
  1. Log into the ETM.
  2. Click Work Schedule > Shift Billboard.
    The Shift Billboard calendar is displayed. The number of available billboard shifts are displayed in date cells of days that have available shifts.
  3. Click a date on the calendar that has shifts available.
    The Claim Shift window is displayed and lists the shifts available on the selected day. Schedule compliance indicators are displayed next to shifts that would cause schedule compliance warnings or errors if they are claimed. Shifts cannot be claimed if they would cause a schedule compliance error.
  4. Select an available shift.
    The Confirm window is displayed with a message asking you to confirm your selection.
  5. Click OK.
    The claim request starts the workflow process. A message is displayed to notify the user the current status of their claim request. If the request successfully completes the required validation and approval steps in the workflow, the shift is added to the claiming employee's schedule.