Deciding whether to display or hide scheduled swipe records
Only scheduled swipes associated with timesheets that are currently open for editing by an employee are eligible for display. Scheduled swipes are not displayed when associated with timesheets that have been locked within the application. Similarly, scheduled swipes are not displayed for timesheets that are dated before the supervisor date of the employee’s pay group.
Because individual scheduled swipes have not necessarily been “missed” until the user records actual swipes, the HTML clock uses a combination of backward and forward thresholds and relative order type comparisons to determine if each individual scheduled swipe should be displayed. The backward and forward thresholds are configurable minute values that help to determine whether a scheduled swipe should be displayed. In the examples that follow, both the backward and forward thresholds have been set to the default value of 300 minutes (5 hours).
The rules for displaying/hiding a scheduled swipe are as follows:
- If all of these conditions are met, the HTML clock assumes the employee
is clocking late (for example, swiping just after midnight for a scheduled 23:30
- The scheduled swipe was for yesterday
- The scheduled swipe is within the backward threshold (current time minus 5 hours)
- The scheduled swipe order type is the same as the initiating swipe's order type
In this case, the associated scheduled swipe is not displayed.
- If the scheduled swipe timestamp is beyond the current time plus the forward threshold, the scheduled swipe is not displayed.
- If the scheduled swipe is for today and the scheduled order type is less than the initiating swipe’s order type, the scheduled swipe is displayed.
- If the scheduled swipe is dated yesterday or earlier and none of the previous conditions are true, the scheduled swipe is displayed.
- If the scheduled swipe is dated for today and the scheduled swipe's timestamp is dated earlier than the current time minus the backward threshold, the scheduled swipe is displayed.
- If none of the previous conditions are true, the scheduled swipe must be a current day swipe with an order type greater than or equal to the initiating swipe’s order type. In this case, the scheduled swipe is not displayed.