Rule: Maximum Consecutive Days
This rule limits the number of days that an employee can be scheduled in a row.
Use care when configuring this rule. The rule can load a large amount of data and may negatively impact performance.
The Maximum Consecutive Days rule determines the number of consecutive days that an employee is permitted to work. This rule counts only the consecutive days and does not count the overall number of days or number of shifts.
This rule also evaluates days of the preceding and following weeks to ensure there are no violations resulting from consecutive days scheduled between weeks. For example, if the schedule week was Sunday to Saturday and the maximum consecutive days value was 3, schedule compliance would identify a violation if an employee was scheduled to work Sunday and Monday when they had worked Friday and Saturday in the preceding week.
Violation Area
Violations count against the appropriate days.
For example, the maximum consecutive days could be 3 to prevent employees from being scheduled more than 3 days in a row without a day off.