Time and Attendance reports
Each report has different parameters. Some parameters are shared by multiple reports, and others are unique to one report.
See Report selection parameters.
This table shows the reports on the My Reports tab:
Report | Description |
Attendance Management Report | This report shows a list of Attendance Management violations that occurred and the events that contributed to those violations. |
Balance Detail Report | This report shows an initial and final balance and any balance changes that
occurred during a selected date range. The report is filtered by team, employee, and
balance type. Note: To improve performance, you can use the
BAL_REPORTS_MAX_EMPLOYEES registry parameter to set a maximum number of employees
for the report. If the report query returns more than this maximum, an exception
is shown. To run the report, you must change the parameters to return a smaller
number of employees.
Balance Summary Report | This report shows an employee's balances for a specific date. The report is
filtered by teams, employees, and balance types, such as SICK (Sick Days) or VAC
(Vacation Days). Note: To improve performance, you can use the
BAL_REPORTS_MAX_EMPLOYEES registry parameter to set a maximum number of employees
for the report. If the report query returns more than this maximum, an exception
is shown. To run the report, you must change the parameters to return a smaller
number of employees.
Daily Employee Overtime Report | This report shows the number of hours an employee worked for each overtime hour
type, such as OT1, OT2, and OT3, on each date within the selected interval in the
report selection parameters. The report items are organized according to the values
that are selected in the Group
By and Second Group
By fields. If the Include in Year at a Glance check box is cleared for an hour type, through , the report shows the hour type but is not included in the Total column. To ensure the Total column accurately reflects the total of all overtime hour types in the report, you can select the Include in Year at a Glance check box for the hour type or remove the relevant column from the report. Note: This report is similar to the Employee Overtime Report. The
Employee Overtime Report aggregates employee overtime per day, unless the
Second Order By field
is set to Work Date. The Daily Employee Overtime Report uses one line per day
worked, while the Employee Overtime Report uses one line per
Daily Error and Exceptions Report | This report shows any clock errors that employees receive when they clock in or out for a shift. This report shows the employee ID and name, calculation group, clock time the error occurred, and in or out exceptions. |
Daily Project Activity and Docket Report | This report shows daily work on teams, projects, dockets, or jobs in a
specified time interval. Each record represents the work done by a single employee
on a given date and is grouped at two levels, by docket, project, jobs, or teams.
For each line item, the hours are grouped into one of four categories such as WRK
codes, OT codes, ABS codes, and OTHER codes. Each line item shows the sum of minutes
of work detail on a particular date for each of the four categories. The OT hours are defined with a Include in Year at a Glance check box on the hour type. The ABS hours are defined as time codes with the Include in Year at a Glance check box selected. |
Daily Time and Attendance Report | This report shows each employee's scheduled start and end times for a day and
the work detail start and end times, time codes, and hour types. The worked hours
are calculated for each employee and grouping. Employees are grouped by pay group,
calculation group, or team. You can run this report for a single date. |
Detailed Time Code by Employee Report | This report shows the time spent by each employee on each time code in a specified time interval according to date. Records are grouped into sections corresponding to each employee with work detail records. Within the employee grouping level, the records are grouped by date. Therefore, the user can see the time codes worked by each employee on each day. |
Employee Information Report | This report shows the employees meeting the selection parameter, and the team-based security constraints. The employment details, status, team, calculation group, pay group, and shift pattern are displayed on the report for each employee. |
Employee Overtime Report | This report shows the number of hours an employee worked for each overtime hour
type, such as OT1, OT2, OT3, and REG, on each date within the selected interval in
the report selection parameters. The report items are organized according to the
values that are selected in the Group
By and Second Group
By fields. If the Include in Year at a Glance check box is cleared for an hour type, through , the report shows the hour type but is not included in the Total column. To ensure the Total column accurately reflects the total of all overtime hour types in the report, you can select the Include in Year at a Glance check box for the hour type or remove the relevant column from the report. Note: This report is similar to the Daily Employee Overtime Report. The
Daily Employee Overtime Report aggregates employee overtime per day, unless the
Second Order By field
is set to Employee ID or Employee Name. The Employee Overtime Report uses one line
per employee.
Employee Punches by Day Report | This report shows a breakdown of hours, productive hours, overtime hours, and absent hours by work day for an employee on a team. This report also shows the original punch type, punch time, and punch data for each employee. The breakdown of hours, productive hours, overtime hours, and absent hours are calculated for each employee within the specified date range. The hours are also calculated for individual team and all teams. |
Employee Seniority Report | This report shows all employees whose records you have permission to view. The report shows the employee name, shift pattern, hire date, seniority date, and the three-month date, which is three months from the employee's hire date. |
Employee Time Approval State Report | This report shows these types of time approval records: All, Approved, Created, Pending, Rejected, or Shown. This report is grouped by team, pay group, or calculation group and ordered by employee ID or full name. |
Net Absenteeism Report | The report shows employee absences, including the scheduled hours for the day, hours missed, whether they were controllable, and what percentage of total scheduled time for the selected date interval was missed. The employees are grouped by team to spot the absenteeism per team. |
OTE Offered and Worked Report | This report tracks the offers of overtime work to employees along with the
responses, whether the employee accepted the overtime offer. For each offer, details
include the date, start and end times, and duration. For OTE purposes, points charged and balances show how each offer affected the employee's point balance. The offers are grouped primarily by OTE Group and secondly by employee. |
Override by Employee Report | The managers can report on all overrides applied to a single employee using
this report. Managers can filter the report by override type, override status, and
date range. The date range is applied to both created and canceled overrides. The report is ordered by the override creation date, canceled date, type, or status. |
Overtime Report | This report shows the number and type, of overtime, such as OT1 and OT2, that
employees worked for departments, projects, or teams during a specified time period.
The employees are individual or aggregated into teams, departments, or projects. If the Include in Year at a Glance check box is cleared for an hour type, through , the report shows the hour type but is not included in Total column. To ensure Total column accurately reflects the total of all overtime hour types in the report, you can select Include in Year at a Glance check box for the hour type or remove the relevant column from the report. You can filter the report by employee, team, pay group, and calc group. You can also filter this report by employment type. Note: You can produce an Overtime Report similar to the Daily Employee
Overtime Report or the Employee Overtime Report using the Date and Employee
grouping options.
Schedule Compliance Violations Report | This report lists all the compliance warnings and errors that are incurred for
the specified employees, teams, and period for users of LFSO or MVS with schedule
compliance. The schedule period options in Date Selection are only valid for use in MVS scheduling. The other options such as This Week, Next Week, and Previous Week are valid for both LFSO and MVS scheduling. This list shows the filtering options for a report:
Shift Pattern Detail Report | This report provides details about all selected shift patterns. For each shift pattern, a line item for each day in the shift pattern shows the start and end time. Each shift pattern includes a section in the report. Different shift patterns have different numbers of day and therefore different numbers of line items in the report results. |
Time Code by Employee Report | This report shows the time each employee spent on each time code in a specified
time interval. Records are grouped into sections corresponding to each employee with
work detail records. You can filter the report by employee, team, pay group, and calc group. You can also filter this report by employment type. |
Time Code by Team Report | This report shows the time each employee spent on each time code in a specified
time interval. The records are grouped first by team or time code and second by the
other. Time codes for a particular work code can have different hour types. For example, work detail records with the time code WRK are often labeled with REG and OT% hour types. Therefore, the work that is allocated to a particular time code divides into any number of line items on this report corresponding to the hour types. You can filter the report by employee, team, pay group, and calc group. You can also filter this report by employment type. |
Unauthorized Records Report | This report shows employee daily work summaries that are unauthorized. Each record shows the date, employee ID, name, pay group, and shift. In addition, two strings representing the hour types and time codes worked in the day are shown with the number of hours corresponding to each hour type or time code. This provides a quick summary of the work day of an unauthorized employee. |
Work Adjustment Report | You can review and verify any adjustments before performing a payroll export
using this report. However, you cannot filter out work records that are already
exported with this report. The exported work records do not show retro-adjustment
records and are considered estimates only. You can filter this report by employee,
team, pay group, and calculation group. Note: You can
automatically run this report during the Payroll Close Wizard to further verify
whether the on-cycle payroll or off-cycle employee information that you are about
to export is correct. If there are no adjustments, No Adjustments
is displayed in Summary Report next to each pay group or employee.
See the information about Payroll Close Wizard in Infor Workforce Management Time and Attendance Implementation and Administration Guide. |
Work In/Out Report | This report shows the clock in and clock out times that an employee recorded on
a specified date and the total number of hours worked. Hours work are counted based
on time codes that are marked as productive time, with Is Productive is selected in the time code
setup. You can filter the report by employee, team, pay group, and calc group. You can also filter this report by employment type. |
Work Summary Report | The Work Summary Report shows the work details for the employee, grouped by one
of the options in the Group By field and the employee. Each
work date shows information such as employee name and ID, holiday hours,
authorizations, start and end shift times, and the total number of hours the
employee worked. You can filter the report by employee, team, pay group, and calc group. You can also filter this report by employment type. |