Cognos burst Reports widget and UDF fields

Some burst reports require the configuration of UDF fields to display the correct information. This table outlines the reports that require UDF configuration and their requirements. For all UDFs, the Field UI format is StringUI.

Burst report name Required UDFs UDF contents
Manufacturing Plant Manager Wbt Udf1 on the Team page Target Absent Hours: Target number of absent hours defined for the year.
Manufacturing Plant Manager Wbt Udf2 on the Team page Target Work Hours: Target number of work hours defined for the year.
Manufacturing Plant Manager Wbt Udf3 on the Team page Target Employees Terminated: Target number of terminated employees defined for the year.
Manufacturing Plant Manager Wbt Udf4 on the Team page Target Employees Active: Target number of active employees defined for the year.
Manufacturing Plant Manager Wbt Udf5 on the Team page Target Injury Hours: Target number of injury hours defined for the year.
Healthcare Nurse Manager KPIs Wbt Udf1 on the Team page Patient Days Target Value: Target number of patients for one day. If you are selecting a date range of 2 weeks, then the target value will be UDF1*14 days.
Healthcare Nurse Manager KPIs Wbt Udf2 on the Team page Worked HPPD (Hours Per Patient Day) Target Value: There is no calculation required for this field. The value in the UDF will be displayed in the launch pad.
Healthcare Nurse Manager KPIs Wbt Udf3 on the Team page Total Cost PPD (Per Patient Day) Target Value: There is no calculation required for this field. The value in the UDF will be displayed in the launch pad.
Healthcare Nurse Manager KPIs Wbt Udf4 on the Team page Target OT%: There is no calculation required for this field. The value in the UDF is displayed in the launch pad. For example, if you want to display 3%, enter .03 in this field.
Healthcare Nurse Manager KPIs EMP VAL 1 on the Employee page When calculating Flexi hours, the system searches for the value of 1 in the employee's primary team assignment based on the Wbt Udf5 field on the Team page (above). If no such records are found, the system searches the Employee UDF Flag (EMP VAL 1) to identify if an employee scheduled has been flagged as Flexi.

For example, to configure the Wbt Udf1 field for the Healthcare Nurse Manager KPIs burst report:

  1. Select Maintenance > Security > Team Security > Team.
  2. Click the Turn ON config mode icon.
  3. Navigate to the Wbt Udf1 field and click the localization (orange diamond) icon to display the Field Localization window.
  4. In the Field UI field, change HiddenUI to StringUI.
  5. Click Save and close the window.
  6. Click the Turn OFF config mode icon.
    The Wbt Udf1 field now shows in the Healthcare Nurse Manager KPIs burst report.