Quick Links widget

You can use the Quick Links widget to create links to maintenance forms and scheduling presets. This widget can also be set up to allow users to create user-defined links that are only visible to them. The links that are available for selection are predefined by the system administrator.

This table shows the parameters of the Quick Links widget:

Parameter Description
User Preference Enabled Enables users to create user-defined links.
ENABLE USER SCHEDULE PRESET Indicates whether users can add schedule presets as links through the Quick Links widget. Only presets that have Location and Date property specified will be available for selection. For more information, see the Infor Workforce Management LFSO Implementation and Administration Guide.
MFRM NAME 0-9 Specifies a link to a maintenance form (optional). This link will be available to all users of this launch pad and cannot be deleted by the end user. However, as a system administrator, you can still delete or update it through the widget configuration in the launch pad Wizard. The maintenance form must have the MFRM_LPAD_QCLINK option selected to be available in the lookup. Optional.
MFRM LABEL 0-9 Specifies the label name for a specified link (optional). After a form name is selected, the corresponding label field will be automatically populated with that name unless you specify a different label name.
Max Height Indicates the maximum vertical space the widget can consume. This parameter is important when planning the launch pad layout. Required.
  1. Select Maintenance > System Administration > Maintenance Forms.
  2. Click the Edit link on the required maintenance form.
  3. Select the Show in Quick Links check box in the Details section and click Save.
  4. In the Maintenance Form Groups section, verify that the appropriate security groups have access to the form. Adjust the permissions if necessary.
  5. Click Save.