Launch pad components

This table describes the components of the launch pads and the forms that are associated with them:

Component Maintenance form Notes
Action Item Configuration LAUNCHPAD – ACTIVITY CENTER Enables access to create and configure action items.
Activity Center Widget LAUNCHPAD – ACTIVITY WIDGET Lets users access the Activity Center Widget.
Cognos Burst Report Widget LAUNCHPAD – WBI WIDGET Lets users access the Cognos Burst Report Widget.
Employee Balance Widget LAUNCHPAD – EMPLOYEE BALANCE WIDGET Lets users access the Employee Balance Widget.
LP Homepage LAUNCH PAD HOMEPAGE Lets users select a launch pad as a homepage.
LP Widget Configuration LAUNCH PAD WIDGET Lists registered widgets and their associated details.
LP Wizard LAUNCH PAD WIZARD Enables access to create and assign launch pads.
Quick Links Widget LAUNCHPAD – QUICK LINKS WIDGET Lets users access the Quick Links Widget.
Retail KPI Widget LAUNCH PAD KPI Lets users access the Retail KPI Widget and the other two Retail KPI Widget maintenance forms.
Retail KPI Widget LAUNCH PAD RETAIL MANAGER Lets users access the Retail KPI Widget and the other two Retail KPI Widget maintenance forms.
Retail KPI Widget LAUNCH PAD TREE VIEW Lets users access the Retail KPI Widget and the other two Retail KPI Widget maintenance forms.