
This parameter allows you to control which Velocity template is to be used by MVS when rendering Scheduled Team view availability cells. The Velocity template renders HTML for the cell.

The default value is the default template to use for rendering Scheduled Team view availability cells for HTML output.

These variables are available for use within the template:

  • AV_LABEL - The default label used by MVS.
  • AV_START - The start time.
  • AV_END - The end time.
  • AVO_COMMENT - The availability override comment (if one exists).
  • AVO_FLAGX - The availability override flag value (if one exists), where X is a number from 1 to 10.
  • AVO_UDFX - The availability override UDF value (if one exists), where X is a number from 1 to 10.

If a custom template is needed, you must add the custom template to a jar, add the corresponding jar to the classpath of the Application server, and reference the name of the custom template using this registry parameter.

Valid Values:

Name of the velocity template to use

Default Value:



system/modules/MVSE/ views/VIEW_ID_SCHED_TEAM/templates
