
If scheduled alerts are defined, this parameter specifies the default message template that is sent to the manager of a location that is in a Pending or To Review state.

Valid Values:

Any text, which can include these variables:

  • LAYOUT_NAME: This variable is replaced by the name of the layout that the budget manager must submit.
  • USER_NAME: This variable is replaced by the name of the user who must submit the budget/forecast.
  • LOCATION_NAME: This variable is replaced by the location that must submit the budget/forecast to the parent location.
  • DUE_DATE: This variable is replaced by the dates specified for submitting the budget/forecast for the location type. The date must be in MM/dd/yyyy format.
  • HERE_LINK: This variable is replaced by a hypertext link to the Worksheet with the specified layout selected.
Default Value:

The LAYOUT_NAME numbers are available for USER_NAME at LOCATION_NAME until DUE_DATE only, to view click HERE_LINK here.




Fixpack 13