- Description:
Use this parameter to set the type of shift processing for mobile shift claims.
Set this parameter to Synchronous to enable synchronous processing for shifts.
In synchronous scenarios, the first employee to submit a claim for a broadcast shift automatically gets the shift, and a synchronous notification to that employee is sufficient in this scenario.
However, there are scenarios where the scheduler might want to award shifts based on seniority or other criteria. These are called bidding scenarios, where employees bid on a shift, and the scheduler makes the final award decision. In such cases, notifications must be sent to each employee asynchronously after the award is completed, rather than when they place their bid.
Set this parameter to Asynchronous to enable asynchronous processing for broadcast shifts in bidding scenarios.
For more information on the Mobile Shift Offer feature, see the Infor Workforce Management Mobile Shift Offer Implementation Guide.
- Valid Values:
Synchronous or Asynchronous
- Default Value:
- Location:
- Effective: