
This parameter determines whether the Sync.SecurityUserMaster BOD processing is restricted to updating the WBU_IDENTITY2 field only.

Note: To use this registry parameter, the IFS User Name should never be modified. The IFS User Name must match the WBU_NAME in WFM.

If this registry parameter is set to True, when WFM processes the Sync.SecurityUserMaster BOD for an existing user with an empty WBU_IDENTITY2 field, the WBU_IDENTITY2 field is updated to the IFS GUID. No other fields are updated including the user's security group and locale.

If an existing user already has a WBU_IDENTITY2 value that is different from the IFS GUID in the BOD, the user record is not updated. An error BOD is sent back to ION.

If the IFS User Name (Distinguished Name field in the BOD) does not match the WBU_NAME of an existing user, the record stays in WFM to be reprocessed the next time the IMS Bod Processing Task runs. The record remains in WFM until it is processed successfully or expires due to time-out. An expired record is deleted the next time the task runs and an error BOD is sent back to ION.

Note: With this setting, Infor OS Portal is not the system of record for user information. Any changes made in Infor OS Portal to the user or user role are not picked up by WFM through the BODs. Integrations would need to ensure user information is synchronized using the Employee Import. The system of record would also be responsible for updating Infor OS Portal with the same change that is sent to WFM.

If this registry parameter is set to False, WFM processes the Sync.SecurityUserMaster BOD as documented in "Setting up users" in the Infor Workforce Management Configuration Guide for Infor OS. With this setting, Infor OS Portal is the system of record for user information.

Regardless of the value of this registry parameter, to subscribe to the Sync.SecurityUserMaster BOD, WFM must be configured to process BODs.

See "Processing BODs" in the Infor Workforce Management Configuration Guide for Infor OS.

Valid Values:

True, False

Default Value:



