- Description:
Note: As of WFM patch release and, you can use the OVERWRITE_EMP_FULLNAME registry to specify the format of the EMP_FULLNAME field in the application. If you would like to do this, see OVERWRITE_EMP_FULLNAME. If you do not want to change this system setting from your current configuration, no action is required.
This parameter determines the format of the employee's full name.
When the FULLNAME_FORMAT parameter is set to [EMP_LASTNAME], [EMP_FIRSTNAME], the messageReceiverDisplay parameter cannot be set to EMP_FULLNAME. Otherwise, the error seen in TT32909 reoccurs. When the FULLNAME_FORMAT parameter is set to [EMP_LASTNAME], [EMP_FIRSTNAME], the messageReceiverDisplay parameter must be set to WBU_NAME. The reason for the reoccurrence is the comma “,”. The comma is used by mail to separate users.
When the FULLNAME_FORMAT parameter is set to be [EMP_FIRSTNAME] [EMP_LASTNAME], then the messageReceiverDisplay parameter can be set to WBU_NAME or EMP_FULLNAME. Both these settings allow mail to function without errors.
- Valid Values:
- Default Value:
For new installations, this parameter is set to [EMP_FIRSTNAME] [EMP_LASTNAME].
For upgrades of existing installations, this parameter is set to [EMP_LASTNAME], [EMP_FIRSTNAME].
- Location:
- Effective: