Creating overtime offers

  1. Select Maintenance > Optional Modules > Overtime Equalization > OT Equalization Offer.
  2. Click Create New Entry.
  3. Specify this information:
    Specify a brief description of the OT offer.
    Create Date
    Select the date the OT offer is created on.
    Optionally, specify a brief description of why the overtime is required.
    Offer date
    Select the date the overtime is required on.
    Offer Start Time
    Specify the time when the overtime will start.
    Hours Offered
    Specify the number of OT hours offered.
    Group Offered
    Select the OT group to whom you will offer the overtime.
    Note: Your system administrator has created OT groups for the OTE module. Contact your system administrator to create new OT groups if necessary, or for more information about the existing OT groups.
    Departments Offered
    Optionally, select the departments the offered overtime will be worked in.
    Jobs Offered
    Optionally, select the jobs available to work during the offered overtime.
  4. Click Save.