Adding the OTE Group Reset task to the Job Scheduler
Select .
Click Add Schedule.
Specify the name of the task in the Task
Description field.
Select OTE Group Reset Task from the Task Type drop-down list.
Select a scheduler from the Task
Affinity drop-down list. By assigning tasks to various
schedulers, the system can distribute the running of tasks across different
schedulers, which may be running on different machines.
In the Scheduled Time section, specify the time at which this task will be run
in the Run at field.
Select the time zone from the Timezone lookup, if necessary. By default, the Timezone field is populated with the user's
actual local time zone.
In the Scheduling Time section, select the Monthly option. Generally, you only need to run this task once
per year. With the Monthly option,
you can schedule the task to run on one day of one month.
Select the day of the month on which the task is scheduled to run:
- Select the Day Of option and
specify a day of the month in the field to schedule the task to run on
that day of the selected month. For example, specify
20 to schedule the task to run on the 20th of
the month.
- Select the Of option to
schedule the task to run on a specific day of the month. Select the week
of the month and the day of the week from the drop-down lists. For
example, select second and
Monday from the drop-down lists to schedule
the task to run on the second Monday of the month.
Select the check box corresponding to the month you want to schedule the OTE
Group Reset task to run.
In the Scheduling Range section, select the starting date of the task's
schedule using the Start On
Select the ending date of the task's schedule using the End By lookup. If you leave this field
blank, the task is scheduled to run according to the options you selected in the
Scheduling Time section.
Click Submit.
Click OK.