Employee sort orders
Every employee has an OT balance, which reflects the number of overtime hours they have worked.
However, each OT balance ‘point’ does not necessarily reflect one hour of overtime worked. Every time an employee accepts, rejects, or is unavailable for an overtime offer, their OT balance is adjusted.
Generally, the higher an employee’s OT balance, the more overtime offers they have accepted. Since you need to determine which employee is offered the overtime first, you can use the OT balances to help. For example, if you want to reward employees who frequently accept overtime, and the OTE module has been set up to increase the OT balance when employees accept overtime hours, you can offer the overtime to the employee with the highest OT balance.
In this example, the employee with the highest OT balance has accepted the most overtime and any employee with a negative OT balance has rejected more overtime hours than they have accepted.