Broadcasting a mobile offer in ASV

You can broadcast the availability of the shift by telephone calls, text messages, and email when a team has an unassigned shift.

  1. Display the ASV view where there is an unassigned shift that you want to offer with a broadcast to mobile devices. See Displaying schedules with ASV.
  2. Select Detail Edit in the Edit Mode menu.
  3. Select the cell for the unassigned shift.
  4. Click the Broadcast Shift button.
  5. Go to Specifying employees for shift broadcasts.
  6. If you are broadcasting through Vocantas, you can make selections for these items on the Mobile Offer pop-up which is available in Details edit mode:
    • To launch automatically, select the Auto-Launch check box. If you do not select the check box, you must launch the offers manually.
    • To send a brief message with the offer, type the message in the Notification Message text box.
You can offer broadcast shifts to the selected employees, who are notified using the contact methods specified in their employee profile. A megaphone icon is displayed on broadcast shifts. The shift is locked for the duration of the offer, as specified in the Offer Window field.