Specifying employees for shift broadcasts

  1. In the Broadcast Shift dialog box, specify this information:
    Call List
    Click the database lookup and select a call list name from the list.
    Click the database lookup and select a team from the list.
    Click the database lookup and select an employee from the list.
    Click the database lookup and select a job from the list.
    Click the database lookup and select a skill from the list.
    Select the Available button to display employees who are available for the shift.
    Select the All button to display employees who meet your search conditions, even if they are not available.
  2. To filter the search result, specify this information:
    Employment Type
    Select an employment type from the list.
    Work Type
    Select a work type from the list.
    Schedule Status
    Select a schedule status from the list.
    Select a compliance type from the list.
    Primary Sort
    Select a primary sorting criteria from the list.
    Secondary Sort
    Select a secondary sorting criteria from the list to further organize the list of employees.
  3. Click Load to see the employee list.
  4. Select the check box of the employee to whom you are offering the shift.
  5. Click Broadcast Shift.
  6. If you are broadcasting through Vocantas, you can make selections for these items on the Mobile Offer pop-up which is available in Details edit mode:
    • To launch automatically, select the Auto-Launch checkbox. If you do not select the checkbox, you must launch the offers manually.
    • To send a brief message with the offer, type the message in the Notification Message text box.
  7. In the Broadcast Shift dialog box, specify this information:
    Allow Partial Shift Claims
    This check box is cleared by default.
    Auto-approve Compliance Warnings
    Select this check box to automatically approve any schedule compliance warnings caused by an employee claiming the shift.
    Offer Window (min)
    Specify the duration in minutes that the offer is available in the shift billboard.
    Auto Launch
    Select how the shift broadcast is initiated from the list.
    Note: For calls to Vocantas, this field can be left blank for calls.
    The time at which the offer closes is displayed in the Approx. Closing Time field. The time is calculated using the number of minutes specified in the Offer Window field.
  8. Click Offer.
The offer is broadcast to the mobile devices. A megaphone icon is displayed on broadcast shifts. The icon indicates that the shift is locked. The shift is locked for the duration of the offer, as specified in the Offer Window field.