Using Auto-Assignment to generate and assign shifts
This procedure generates shifts from one or more shift templates and assigns them using the Auto-Assignment process.
- In ASV, open the unit and date range that you would like to create the schedule for.
- Click the Auto-Assignment button.
Specify one of these options:
- Use regular shift templates
- Select this option to generate the shifts for Auto-Assignment from shift templates. This option generates shifts to fill any gaps between the existing schedule and the shifts defined in the shift template.
- Use replacement shift templates
- Select this option to replace existing shifts in the schedule using replacement shift templates. If you select this option you can only select shift templates where the Replacement Shifts option is enabled.
For more information on creating shift templates, see Shift Templates.
- In the Templates field, select the shift templates you want to use and click Add.
- Optionally, enable the Remove Unassigned check box to remove any of the generated shifts that remain unassigned after the Auto-Assignment process is completed.
Select the Auto-Assignment groups to include in the
Auto-Assignment process from the Groups field and click Add.
If you selected Use replacement shift templates in step 3, you can only select Auto-Assignment groups that contain the Replace Shift Type rule.
For more information on configuring Auto-Assignment groups, see the Infor Workforce Management Auto-Assignment Implementation Guide.
- If you have selected more than one Auto-Assignment group, click and drag the groups to set the Priority order. The group with the Priority value of 1 selects employees first based on the group's employee filters, followed by other groups in ascending order.
Click Go to start the Auto-Assignment process.
Note: A warning is displayed if any employees have their schedule locked during the Auto-Assignment period. You can click Continue to start the Auto-Assignment process without these employees. Or, you can cancel the Auto-Assignment process to address the employee locks first.
Click OK to confirm.
The system locks all the unassigned shifts and locks the schedule during the schedule period for employees included in the Auto-Assignment group filters. Lock icons are displayed on the shifts included in the Auto-Assignment process in the ASV window.
The Auto-Assignment feature sends you a workmail
notification when the Auto-Assignment process is complete. The system unlocks the locked
shifts and employee schedules.