Adding skills to a SRT

  1. Display the SRTs for the team or unit to which you want to add skills.
  2. Select the pencil icon beside the SRT to which you want to add skills. The SRT is displayed on the Staffing Requirement Template tab.
  3. Locate the day part to which you want to add skills.
  4. Specify this information:
    Click the plus sign (+) icon in the Skill column field for job to which you want to add skills. A new row is added below the plus sign (+) icon. Select a skill from the list in the Skill column field.
    Specify a number for the level of skill in the Proficiency column field. Use a number that is relative to other skill levels that have been assigned.
    Day 1
    Specify the number of staff needed for with this skill and level during the day part in the Day 1 column field.
  5. Repeat the previous step for each day of the day part.
  6. Click Save.