Employee assignments
Employees can be assigned to rows in a Master Rotation (MR) or One-time Schedule (OTS). Employees that are assigned to a row perform the job specified by the row. When the schedule is processed, the assigned employee is scheduled to work the shifts that have been plotted in the row.
Employees can be assigned to rows or unassigned from rows permanently or for a specified date range. A new row segment is created for changes to row assignments that are not permanent, so the unassigned shifts can be assigned to another employee. Row segments are displayed directly below their parent row and only display the name of the assigned employee, or unassigned. This helps distinguish between rows that have been assigned to multiple employees.
Row segments are only displayed when any of the included dates overlap with the dates displayed in the MR or OTS. For example, an employee is unassigned from a row in an MR starting on July 5. The row containing the unassigned dates would be displayed when viewing the MR for July 1 to July 30, but not when viewing June 1 to June 30.
An employee can be assigned to one or more rows in an MR or an OTS. This can be done to schedule employees to work shifts with different jobs or labor metrics. Caution should be used when assigning employees to multiple rows, as an MR or OTS cannot be processed if an employee is scheduled to work shifts with times that overlap.