Creating a ST without SRT

  1. Display the SRTs for the team or unit to which you want to add STs that are not attached to a SRT.
  2. Click the expand arrow (^) under the NO TEMPLATE heading to display the shifts that are not attached to the SRTs.
  3. Click the plus sign (+) icon under the NO TEMPLATE heading, to add a shift to the template.
  4. Specify this information:
    The name of the ST.
    A text description of the ST.
    Displays the unit or team to which the ST belongs.
    The number of days that the ST will cover.
    Select the check box to indicate that the ST is in use.
    Effective Dates
    The date range over which the ST can be used.
    Note: There is no field for a SRT.
  5. Under Auto-assignment Options, specify this information:
    Remove Unassigned
    Select the check box to remove any unassigned shifts once the schedule has been generated as part of the Auto-Assignment process.
    Replacement Shifts
    Select the check box to designate the shift template for replacement shifts during the Auto-Assignment process. This type of template must be used exclusively with Auto-Assignment groups containing the Replace Shift Type rule. For more information on configuring Auto-assignment groups, see Infor Workforce Management Auto-Assignment Implementation Guide.
  6. Click Save. The Shift Template tab is displayed. The defaults for the unit's workload requirements are automatically displayed in the bottom part of the tab.
  7. Click the delete icon in the left side column to remove the jobs that you do not need in this ST.
  8. Click Save. Your new ST is displayed under the NO TEMPLATE heading on the Templates tab.