Configure the DBLookupUI filter for team and date selection

In previous releases, when you created a shift, the DBLookupUI filter was based on user access rights. It also included jobs that had an end date in the past.

With release 2024.04, through configuration, you can create a filter that:

  • Includes only jobs that are tied to specific Teams.
  • Does not include a job that has an end date in the past.
Note: This section assumes that the person performing the procedure knows how to create SQL statements.
  1. Navigate to Scheduling > Multi-view Scheduler > Advanced Schedule View.
  2. Click the Turn ON config mode icon. This is the asterisk (*) on the top menu bar.
  3. Click the plus sign (+) to create an ad-hoc shift.
  4. Click the orange diamond icon next to the Job field.
    Review the field parameters that are already set for the filter. You might want to replace them with your new DBLookupUI filter or you might want to append your filter to the existing parameters.
  5. Specify the appropriate SQL statement in Field Parameters to include the elements in this example.
    sourceType=REGISTERED source=SEC_JOB_LOOKUP 
    labelFieldStatus=edit title=LOOKUP_JOB' sourceKeyField=JOB_ID
  6. Click Save.