Master Rotation status
The status of a Master Rotation (MR) determines the rotation's current stage in the process of creating the MR schedule and publishing the schedule to other parts of the application, such as the ASV and timesheet. The status is displayed in the top-right of the MR edit screen.
This table lists all the possible statuses of an MR and their significance in the MR workflow.
Status | Description |
DRAFT | An MR is in the DRAFT status when it is first created. In this status, the scheduler creates the base schedule rotation that is used to generate the long-term schedule. This is done by plotting shifts, specifying the labor metrics, and assigning employees on the MR rows. |
UNPROCESSED | This status indicates the MR has been activated, but has not yet been processed. In this status, the scheduler may view the schedule for any period when the MR is effective. They can assign employees to rows or change existing assignments. Changes to the labor metrics or shifts can be done in this status by creating new versions of rows. |
PENDING PROCESS | This status indicates that the MR has been processed by the user. The MR is currently waiting for the publishing jobs to complete the processing and publish the schedule to other parts of the application. The MR is locked and cannot be edited when waiting for processing. |
PUBLISHED | This status indicates the latest version of the MR has been fully
published and the shifts are available in the ASV and in employee timesheets. Any
changes that can be made to an MR in the UNPROCESSED status are allowed in this
status, but the MR must be re-processed to publish the changes. This status is only
used if publishing has been configured for MR to create published shifts in the ASV
and timesheet. See the Infor Workforce Management MVS Implementation and Administration Guide for details on configuring MR publishing. |
READY | This status indicates the latest version of the MR has been fully
processed and the shifts are available in the ASV as unpublished shifts. The shifts
must be published in ASV to add them to employee timesheets. Any changes that can be
made to an MR in the UNPROCESSED status are allowed in this status, but the MR must be
re-processed to publish the changes. This status is only used if publishing has been
configured for MR to create unpublished shifts in the ASV. See the Infor Workforce Management MVS Implementation and Administration Guide for details on configuring MR publishing. |
PROCESS REQUIRED | This status indicates that changes have been made to the MR since the last time the MR was processed. The MR must be processed again to publish those changes. |
PROCESS REQUIRED (INACTIVE) | The MR has been inactivated as of a specified date. The MR must be processed to publish changes to the schedule since the last published version. After the inactivated MR is processed, shifts on or after the inactivation date are removed from the ASV and from the employee timesheets. |
PENDING PROCESS (INACTIVE) | Same as the PENDING PROCESS status, but the MR has been inactivated. |
PUBLISHED (INACTIVE) | Same as the PUBLISHED status, but the MR has been inactivated. |
READY (INACTIVE) | Same as the READY status, but the MR has been inactivated. |