Displaying approved leaves in MR and OTS
Employees that are being scheduled in an MR or OTS may have approved leaves created in other parts of the application, such as time off requests. Approved employee leaves from other parts of the application are displayed in the MR and OTS edit screens using the time off time code inside square brackets. For example, an approved vacation would be displayed as [VAC]. You can hover over the leave to view the time range that the leave covers. If multiple partial day leaves exist on the same day, the leaves are displayed as [...].
This helps you proactively plan around planned employee leaves and resolve schedule conflicts early in planning. Leaves that occur on the same day as a plotted MR or OTS shift are displayed under the shift label. If the approved leave time overlaps the scheduled shift time, the system processes the shift as a conflict. The conflict can be resolved during processing in the Manage Publish Conflicts pop-up.