Changing the weekly totals numbering format

By default, weekly totals display the Scheduling form in decimal format. You can change to an hours and minutes format (HH:MM).

  1. From within WFM, navigate to Scheduling > Multi-view Scheduler > Enhanced Schedule View > Advanced Schedule View.
  2. Load a schedule.
  3. Click in a weekly totals field and select the Configuration button (gear shift icon) on the top-right of the page.
  4. In the NSV_WEEKLY_TOTALS_LABEL field, move into theTimeEditUI field.
  5. In the Field Input box, specify the new format, specify: format=hh:mm.
  6. Save the change and exit Config mode.
  7. Clear cache to see the update on the screen.
    If you choose to expand the view to see additional weeks of schedules, the change is reflected in all weeks.