Configuring the job filter for templates to check for job effective dates

This topic describes how to enable a filter that ensures that job effective dates are used when

  1. Navigate to Scheduling > Multi-view Scheduler > Advanced Schedule View.
  2. Click the Turn ON config mode icon. This is the asterisk (*) on the top menu bar.
  3. Click the plus sign (+) to create an ad-hoc shift.
  4. Click the orange diamond icon next to the SCHED_TMPL_JOB field.
  5. Update the SQL statement in Field Parameters. Where it shows ~FILTER_JOBS_DATE_EFFECTIVE==false, change "false" to "true."
    sourceType=REGISTERED source=SEC_JOB_LOOKUP 
    labelFieldStatus=edit title=LOOKUP_JOB' sourceKeyField=JOB_ID
  6. Click Save.