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Infor Workforce Management Multiview Scheduler User Guide
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About this guide
Intended audience
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Integration with Workforce Management modules
Integration with Infor Care
Before you begin
Configurable features
Calculation groups
Pay groups
Time codes
Day start time
Day part set
Shift display label
Call lists
Shift configuration
Shift activities and layers
Creating shifts
Editing shifts
Inactivating shifts
Shift inheritance
Inheriting shifts
Modifying subscription period in child teams
Cloning and editing in child teams
Overriding day parts
Shift font color
Selecting shift display colors for your system
Demand planning for schedules
Schedule templates
Staffing Requirement Templates
Displaying SRTs
Creating an SRT
Configuring the job filter for templates to check for job effective dates
Enabling the Load Jobs check box to be visible
Adding staff to a SRT
Adding skills to a SRT
Including areas in Staffing Requirement Templates
Shift Templates
Adding a ST using a SRT
Adding shifts to a ST
Creating a ST without SRT
Schedule generation
Generating a schedule
SRT from under the SRT heading
ST from under the ST heading
Both SRT and ST
Schedule planning
Planning rotations for large units
Creating long-term schedules
Creating a Master Rotation
Creating a Master Rotation with areas
Creating a Master Rotation with number of rows per job
Copying a Master Rotation
Creating short-term schedules
Creating a One-time Schedule
Creating a One-time Schedule with areas
Creating a One-time Schedule with number of rows per job
Deleting a One-time Schedule
Master Rotation and One-time Schedule edit screens
Editing a Master Rotation
Editing a One-time Schedule
Shift plotting
Shift plotting in Master Rotations
Shift plotting in One-time Schedules
Shift Palette
Sorting and searching for shifts
Plotting shifts using the Shift Palette
Plotting shifts using the keyboard
Shift configuration history
Labor metrics in Master Rotations and One-time Schedules
Labor metrics in Master Rotations
Labor metrics in One-time Schedules
Editing labor metrics
Editing labor metrics in rotation rows or template rows
Viewing aggregate weekly totals for employee rotations in MR and ASV
Jobs in Master Rotations and One-time Schedules
Associated jobs in MR/OTS
Changing the job on a row
Changing the job on a rotation row or template row
Adding jobs in an MR/OTS template
Skills in Master Rotations and One-time Schedules
Adding a skill to a row in an OTS schedule or DRAFT MR
Adding skills to a row in an OTS template or ACTIVE MR
Areas in Master Rotation and One Time Schedules
Employee assignments
Employee assignments in Master Rotations
Employee assignments in One-time Schedules
Assigning an employee to a row
Unassigning an employee from a row
Canceling an LTA or temporary unassignment
Viewing assignment periods
Updating assignment dates
Updating assignment dates for multiple rows
Deleting and unassigning published rotation shifts in ASV and Central Staffing
Long-term absence (LTA) in Master Rotations and One-time Schedules
Putting an employee on long-term absence
Filling unassigned LTA shifts
Validating schedule compliance
Viewing actual dates or day numbers
Changing the effective dates of a DRAFT MR
Key performance indicators
KPI tab
Coverage panel
Coverage display options for MR / OTS
Viewing the coverage according to Grouping
Viewing the coverage according to Time Interval
Time units for coverage
Coverage calculations (MR/OTS)
Coverage for non-MR and OTS shifts
Coverage for LTAs and approved leaves
Changing the SRT associated with the schedule
Row operations
Renaming a row
Row sorting, row names, and row ranks
Sorting rows
Filtering rows
Copying a row
Adding rows
Adding rows to an OTS schedule or DRAFT MR
Adding rows to an OTS template or ACTIVE MR
Deleting rows
Deleting a row from an OTS schedule or DRAFT MR
Deleting a row from an OTS template or ACTIVE MR
Automatic row naming
Enabling or disabling automatic row naming
Editing the schedule description
Print a Master Rotation or One-time Schedule
Sending published shifts to relief
Master Rotation status
One-time Schedule status
Shift comments
Viewing or adding shift comments
Adding shift comments to multiple shifts (MR/OTS)
Processing MR/OTS with shift comments
Shift data elements
Editing data elements
Editing data elements on multiple shifts
Data elements and shift or assignment changes
Processing MR/OTS with data elements
Viewing shift details in MR/OTS
One-time Schedule templates
Creating a One-time Schedule template
Creating a One-time Schedule from a template
Editing an OTS template
Copying an OTS template
Changing the effective dates of an OTS template
Activating an OTS template
Inactivating an OTS template
Row versions for template and rotation rows
Master Rotation rotation rows
One-time Schedule template rows
Row version editing
Opening row editing mode
Creating a new row version
Validating a row version
Activating a row version
Closing a row version
Changing the effective dates of a row version
Showing row versions
Bulk row version editing
Creating a bulk row version
Row version status
Publishing short-term and long-term schedules
Master Rotation publishing
Activating a Master Rotation
Publishing a Master Rotation
Inactivating a Master Rotation
One-time Schedule publishing
Publishing a One-time Schedule
Schedule conflicts
Resolving schedule conflicts
Non-MVS shifts in MR and OTS
Displaying approved leaves in MR and OTS
Unapproved time off requests and rotation processing
Publish OFF shifts from Master Rotation and One-time Schedule
Import census data
Preparing the CSV file for census data import
Importing the census data through a batch job
Display custom data
Display custom data columns in ASV/MR/OTS
Viewing and managing schedules with ASV
ASV panel descriptions
Schedule Selection panel
Schedule Status filters
Displaying availability in ASV
Key Performance Indicators panel
Schedule costing
Schedule panel
Function icons
Edit mode shift details
Function buttons
Rotation view
Total Coverage panel
Expanding and collapsing the coverage panel
Coverage display options
Configure the DBLookupUI filter for team and date selection
Show Qualified filter options in ASV
Displaying schedules with ASV
Presets in ASV
Using presets for displaying schedules in ASV
Creating presets
Viewing previous schedules
Customizing labels and number formats for weekly totals elements in ASV
Changing field labels on the weekly totals screen
Changing the weekly totals numbering format
Control the security groups that can view the weekly totals screen
Viewing shift assignments with ASV
Shift cell description
Shift schedule compliance icons
Re-validating schedule compliance based on non-MVS changes
Shift short code indicators
Overtime indicator
Shift hovers
Hiding unfiltered shift groupings
Displaying out-of-context shift information
Compact view
Using compact view
Assigning employees to shifts with ASV
Editing shifts in ASV
Retain the published or unpublished shift status when copying and pasting in ASV
Creating ad-hoc shifts
Creating ad-hoc shifts in Simple Edit mode
Creating multiple ad-hoc shifts through a single transaction
Creating ad-hoc shifts in Details Edit mode
Creating ad-hoc shifts using the New Ad Hoc button
Configuring skills to be available for shifts
Configuring a label property for a skill
Configuring jobs to be available for shifts
Configuring a label property for a job
Swapping shifts in ASV
Shift swap pending icon
Undoing a shift swap
Cloning shift details in ASV
Snowflake icon
Floating employees to another shift
Floating employees to another shift using Details Edit
Floating employees to another shift using Mass Edit
Schedule compliance for floated shifts
Setting up auto-approve time offs in AVS
Booking time off in ASV
Book-Off Wizard window
Booking time off using Details Edit
Snowflake icon
Booking time off using date ranges
Booking time off using Mass Edit
Booking off unscheduled days in ASV
Canceling booked off shifts
Managing relief shifts when canceling book offs
Canceling booked off shift segments
Canceling booked off shifts resulting from approved time off requests
Canceling booked time off
Canceling booked time off using Mass Edit
Returning a shift back to an employee
Recalling approved time off requests
Recalling an approved time off request without assigning shift
Recalling an approved time off request and assigning shift
Splitting and merging shifts in ASV
Properties and requirements for splitting a shift
Properties and requirements for merging a shift
Enabling Split Shift and Merge Shift on the ASV screen
Splitting a shift
Merging a shift that has been split
Reviewing Shift History
Publishing a schedule that includes an overlapping pending shift in ASV
Schedule Balance mode
Shift comments
Viewing or adding shift comments using Details Edit
Adding shift comments using Mass Edit
Automatically assigning shifts
Using Auto-Assignment with existing unassigned shifts
Using Auto-Assignment to generate and assign shifts
Sending shifts to the Relief Queue with ASV
Updating a job for multiple shifts
Terminated employees in ASV
Inactive employee icon
Shift History
Viewing the history of published shift in ASV
Viewing the history of unpublished shift
Viewing non-MVS shifts in MVS
Displaying non-MVS shifts in ASV
Editing non-MVS shifts in ASV
Including non-MVS shifts in weekly hours
Skipping non-MVS shifts in book-off
Adding Job and Skill in shift configuration
Viewing schedules with Manage Schedule
Navigating to Manage Schedule
Date header on Manage Schedule
Viewing employee and shift cells
Employee cell detail card
Accessing the employee details card
Icons in the employee cell
Shift cell detail card
Unassigned shift section
Grid cell visual indicators
Compliance warnings in the shift detail card
Viewing the compliance violations
Display Options
KPI Header
Showing and hiding the KPI Header
Viewing the total number of shifts
Viewing the total shift hours
Viewing the total scheduled cost
Coverage Panel
Changing the coverage selection
Show Data Columns
Employee Groupings
Changing employee grouping attributes
Expand on Load
Merge identical shifts
Cell Options
Modifying the shift cell preferences
Viewing and managing unplanned workloads
Viewing the outstanding vacancies
Offering relief shifts
Using the Relief Calling Area
Creating presets in the Relief Calling Area
Employee Call Pop-up
Quick links in the Employee Pool
Splitting shifts using RCA
Splitting a shift
Reverting a shift split
Relief Queue buttons
Relief Queue details
Relief status
Displaying non-MVS shifts in the RCA
Displaying non-MVS shifts in the ECP
Shift Preferences Override calendar
Sending relief shifts to the billboard
Using presets in the Relief Queue
Creating presets in the Relief Queue
Viewing previously loaded relief shifts
Using the Relief Launch Pad
Action Date in the Launch Pad
Buttons in the Launch Pad
Auditing the call log
Integrating schedule compliance
Managing daily schedules with Central Staffing
Displaying schedules
Displaying shifts in Central Staffing
Schedule selection parameters
Creating presets
Opening presets
Changing the displayed schedule
Schedule Zone organization
Sorting shifts
Sort criteria
Refreshing schedule information
Loading the float pool
Selecting float pool units
Float pool selection criteria
Sorting float pool shifts
Showing or hiding the Float Pool Zone
Managing schedules
Shift cards
Shift status icons
Viewing shift details
Total scheduled hours
Overtime indicator
Floating employees to another shift
Floating employees to other units
Floating employees to unassigned shifts
Floating employees to new shifts using drag and drop
Reassigning employees' original shifts after a float
Creating shifts
Deleting shifts
Editing shift details in Central Staffing
Viewing details for locked shifts
Assigning employees to shifts
Unassigning shifts
Booking time off
Booking off shifts
Canceling booked time off
Canceling booked off shifts
Swapping shifts in Central Staffing
Reverting shift swaps
Sending shifts to the relief queue in Central Staffing
Approving schedule compliance warnings
Viewing staff coverage in the Schedule Zone
Staff coverage examples
Shift comments
Viewing or adding shift comments
Key Performance Indicator panel
Showing or hiding the KPI panel
Viewing staff coverage
Budgeted HPPD
Entering Budgeted HPPD
Non-MVS shifts in Central Staffing
Editing non-MVS shifts in Central Staffing
Non-MVS shifts in KPIs and coverage in Central Staffing
Published and unpublished shifts in Central Staffing
Daily schedule execution with Staffing Center
Displaying shifts in the Staffing Center
Staffing Center unit header information
Infor Care Integration
Adding shifts using Staffing Center
Modifying shifts using Staffing Center
Changing activities using Staffing Center
Booking off using Staffing Center
Assigning employees using Staffing Center
Sending shifts to the Relief Queue
Employee initiated transactions
Displaying non-MVS shifts in Staffing Center
Broadcasting shifts to mobile devices
Notifying schedulers about claimed shifts
Schedule compliance for broadcast shifts
Broadcasting a mobile offer in ASV
Canceling a broadcasted offer in ASV
Broadcasting a mobile offer in Central Staffing
Canceling a broadcasted offer in Central Staffing
Broadcasting a mobile offer in the Staffing Center
Broadcasting a mobile offer from the Relief Queue
Canceling a broadcasted offer in the Relief Queue
Broadcasting a mobile offer in the Relief Calling Area
Specifying employees for shift broadcasts
Shift Billboard
Mobile Offer features for offers sent through Vocantas
Creating a group of multiple shifts and canceling one or more shifts for Vocantas
Posting shifts from ASV
Posting unassigned shifts in ASV
Posting unassigned shifts using Mass Edit
Posting shifts to the billboard when publishing
Posting unassigned shifts in Central Staffing
Editing or canceling posted shifts
Billboard icon
Canceling posted shifts in ASV
Canceling posted shifts in Central Staffing
Sending posted shifts to the Relief Queue
Shift History for billboard shifts
Long-term absences
Managing on-call time
Solution overview
Compensating on-call employees
Defining activity as on-call
Scheduling on-call shifts in MR or OTS
Managing on-call shifts in ASV
Adding on-call time to a shift
Swapping on-call shifts with other shifts
Booking off an on-call shift
Copying on-call shifts
Adding work time to an on-call shift
Lengthening and shortening shifts with on-call and work time
Including on-call time in coverage calculations
Including on-call time in weekly total hours calculations
Publishing shifts with on-call time to the timesheet
Managing on-call shifts in Staffing Center
Managing on-call shifts in Relief Management
Assigning relief shifts containing on-call time
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