Creating long-term schedules
A Master Rotation (MR) uses a base schedule rotation to create a long-term schedule. The rotation represents the shift patterns and assignments for a specified schedule period. When the MR is activated, the defined rotation is repeated during the effective duration of the MR. For example, if the rotation length is 14 days, the MR publishes a repeating 14 day schedule for the assigned employees. An MR can create a schedule with a defined end date or a permanent schedule.
This is the high-level process to create an MR:
- Create an MR for the team that you would like to schedule.
- Use the MR edit screen to create the base rotation. This is where you plot shifts to create shift patterns, assign employees to the shift patterns, and edit labor metrics.
- Activate the schedule to confirm the shift rotation and labor metrics.
- Process the schedule to put the schedule into use and publish it to other parts of the application.
After an MR is activated, events such as educational commitments, leaves of absence, or staff changes may require changes to the schedule rotation or assignments. You can change the employee assignments or place employees on long-term absences (LTA). You can change the shift rotation in an active MR by editing schedule rows, which represent the base schedule rotation for a single employee. Rows can be edited to change the shift pattern or employee assignment permanently or for a specified time period. After you edit assignments or schedule rows, the MR must be published again to put the schedule changes into action.