Floating employees to another shift

You can float shifts to move an employee from one shift to another. Employees can be moved from the float pool unit to an unassigned shift or a new ad-hoc shift in another unit. Employees can also be floated from any assigned shift in the Schedule Zone to an unassigned shift or new ad-hoc shift to provide coverage for different times or for a different unit or job.

In Central Staffing, floating an employee to an unassigned shift is performed using the right-click menu or by clicking and dragging the card for an assigned shift to an unassigned shift card. You can also float an employee to a new ad-hoc shift by clicking and dragging their assigned shift card to the card for any job and unit combination in the Schedule Zone. The employee can be floated to cover the entire unassigned or new shift or a portion of it. The float time must overlap some portion of the employee's original shift, not including booked off time. The float time may not extend beyond the start time or end time of the shift the employee is being floated into.

When floating a shift, you can select the code used to book off overlapping portions of the original shift. You can also manage any relief shifts that are created for portions of the unassigned shift or new shift that remain unassigned after the float is completed.

As of version 2024.04, employees can be assigned to float to any team regardless of their security for that team. This feature is available to both Central Staffing and Advanced Schedule View.

See the information about SKIP_EMPLOYEE_TEAM_VALIDATION in the Infor Workforce Management Registry Parameter Reference Guide.