Validating schedule compliance
Validating a Mater Rotation (MR) or One-time Schedule (OTS) checks it for schedule compliance issues to ensure compliance with union rules, regulations, and company policies. It also ensures that employees are not given schedules with shifts at overlapping times.
See the Infor Workforce Management Schedule Compliance Implementation and Administration Guide for details on configuring schedule compliance.
You can click the
button in the MR or OTS edit screen to check for schedule compliance issues and shift overlaps. A pop-up is displayed listing the overlaps and schedule compliance issues in each row. Schedule compliance icons are displayed on rows and on shift cells that have overlaps or schedule compliance issues.It is important to note that if shift overlaps are found, the schedule is not checked for schedule compliance. You must resolve any shift overlaps before the schedule can be checked for schedule compliance issues. All shift overlaps and schedule compliance errors must be resolved before activating the MR or processing the MR or OTS. Additional checks are performed during activation and processing.
See Publishing short-term and long-term schedules.
Validation for non-MR/OTS shifts
Validation uses shifts from other parts of the application as supporting information for
schedule compliance. Schedule compliance issues are detected when they are a result of the
combination of the non-MR/OTS shifts with the MR or OTS schedule. For example, an issue
would be detected if a non-MR/OTS shift causes an employee to exceed the maximum number of
consecutive days allowed. Non-MR/OTS shifts are not checked for rules that only apply to the
shift itself, such as the Maximum Hours Per Shift
Validation does not check for conflicts caused by shifts or leaves created in other parts of the application. These are detected as publish conflicts when processing the schedule.
Schedule compliance validation in MR
Each row in the MR schedule is checked for conflicts or schedule compliance issues caused by shifts on the same row. In an MR in DRAFT status, rows are checked for schedule compliance based on the labor metrics applied to the row. This applies whether the row is assigned to an employee or not.
Once an MR is activated, schedule compliance is checked based on the employee assigned to the row. Schedule compliance is not checked for rows that are unassigned.
When editing MR rotation rows, conflicts and schedule compliance issues can be checked in new row versions or bulk row versions. In row edit mode, schedule compliance checks the schedule based on the labor metrics that are assigned to the row version. The employees that are assigned to the rows in the actual MR schedule are not considered for validating MR rotation rows.
For details on validating MR rotation row versions, see Validating a row version.
Schedule compliance validation in OTS
Validation checks the entire OTS schedule. This includes issues caused by shifts on different rows that are assigned to the same employee. For example, an employee is assigned to two rows. On Friday, they are scheduled to a 9 AM to 5 PM shift on one row and to a 1 PM to 9 PM shift on the other row. This would be detected as a schedule overlap in an OTS, but would not be detected in an MR. Schedule compliance issues are only detected if an employee is assigned to the row.
Schedule compliance and conflicts can be checked in OTS template row versions. When in row edit mode, schedule compliance checks the schedule based on the labor metrics that are assigned to the row version. The employees that are assigned to the rows in associated OTS schedules are not considered for validating OTS template rows.
For details on validating OTS template row versions, see Validating a row version.
Schedule compliance icons in MR and OTS
After clicking
, schedule compliance icons are displayed to indicate shift overlaps or schedule compliance issues. Schedule compliance icons are displayed on a row if there are issues on any day in the row. Icons are displayed in a shift cell if the shift in that cell is contributing to the issue. You can click the schedule compliance icons to view the issues that caused the icon to be displayed.These are the schedule compliance icons:
Icon | Meaning |
Yellow triangle | Schedule compliance warning |
Red circle | Schedule compliance error |
Red corner | Shifts at overlapping times |