Daily Summary Statistics
Daily Summary statistics allow you to see whether any required hours and jobs remain unresolved for the day (not the schedule or week period) that the Intraday page is currently displaying.
To view summary statistics:
- Click Stats from the Intraday Tools panel.
- The Statistics panel is displayed.
The Required Hours and Required Jobs columns compare outstanding staffing requirements to already filled required jobs.
Required Hours
The Required Hours column displays the following:
- Scheduled (hours) displays the sum of the hours of all shifts that have employees assigned to them.
- Unscheduled (hours) displays the sum of the hours of all unstaffed shifts.
- Total (hours) displays the sum of scheduled and unscheduled hours. When no staffed or unstaffed shifts are created, this value will be zero.
Required Jobs
The Required Jobs column displays the following:
- Filled (shifts) displays the sum of all staffed shifts for the selected day. This includes the ad-hoc shifts created and staffed by the scheduler, even if they are not defined in the staffing requirements.
- Open (shifts) displays the difference between actual coverage and required coverage. (Required Coverage - Actual coverage) excluding any negative numbers.
- Total (hours) displays the sum of required jobs that are currently filled and open
To close the Statistics panel, click Hide.