Manually creating unstaffed shifts

Manually-created unstaffed shifts (sometimes referred to as ad-hoc shifts) are tracked differently than those created in the MVS using the staffing requirements. Manually-created unstaffed shifts are identified with an 'M'.

You can manually create an unstaffed shift in two ways: one that uses an existing shift’s details and one that creates an unstaffed shift from scratch.


When the Reconciliation operation is executed, manually created unstaffed shifts are ignored when determining the number of regular (staffing requirement-driven) unstaffed shifts to create/delete. This ensures that the additional staffing needs are not lost when you run the Reconciliation operation.

More specifically:

  • When Copy, Save as New, and Apply functions are used to create unstaffed shifts, the unstaffed shifts are considered manually defined unstaffed shifts and they are tracked with an 'M'.
  • When Book-Off or Remove functions are used to create unstaffed shifts, the unstaffed shifts are considered regular, staffing requirements-driven, unstaffed shifts.
  • When Auto-Assign operations are used, the manual unstaffed shift indicator will be used to ensure that the base staffing needs (staffing requirements) are filled before the additional needs (manually unstaffed shifts) Essentially, when a manually created unstaffed shift and a staffing requirements driven unstaffed shift are the same, the latter is staffed first.

For information about unstaffed shift reconciliation, see Unstaffed Shift Reconciliation.