Reassigning Employees to Partial Shifts
In this procedure, the employee will be removed from the entire shift, reassigned to part of it, and an unstaffed shift will be created to reflect the part of the shift that the employee could not work.
To reassign an employee to part of a shift and create an unstaffed shift of the remainder:
- Select the staffed shift you want to modify. The details propagate to the Schedule Details panel.
- Click . The currently-assigned employee is removed from the shift, resulting in an unstaffed shift retaining all the details applied to it when the employee was assigned to it.
- Select the same employee (you have just unassigned) from the Eligible Employees list box and click to propagate him/her to the Schedule Details information line.
- Edit the shift start and end time to reflect the partial shift that the employee is able to work.
- If necessary, click the Details tab and edit any shift details to reflect the partial shift.
- Click .
The employee is assigned to the partial shift, freeing him/her from the portion of the shift that the employee was unable to work. (In the case of PC John, if there is a new assignment that he needs to work, you must create the appropriate unstaffed shift and assign John to it. For information, see Manually creating unstaffed shifts and Manual Assignments.)
This operation also created a new unstaffed shift for the part of the original shift that the employee could not work. This unstaffed shift is needed to satisfy staffing requirements and you must assign another employee to it to ensure proper shift coverage.