Scenario 5 - Coverage
PC Jim Jones is the supervisor for a medium-sized borough police department. PC Jones is editing the department’s schedule for next week. Using the MVS, he can view all employees in the borough, their shift patterns and default jobs, as well as the staffing requirements.
He reviews the quality of the schedule by determining whether each job time is over or understaffed. For one job, Patroller, he notices that the job time 5:00 AM to 11:00 PM on Tuesday has not yet been staffed. Based on the staffing requirements and coverage, he sees the need for one Patroller for this period of time.
PC Jones clicks the unstaffed shift to see a list of eligible employees. When he doesn't see any employees listed in the Eligible Employees list box, he changes the Employee Find and Sort Configuration criteria to include any employee that has a shift pattern that falls within the job time and having the skills to be a Patroller and clicks the Refresh link to ensure the Eligible Employees list box contains the results of the modified search/sort criteria.
Now he sees a number of employees, with the most eligible (according to his criteria), at the top of the Eligible Employees list box. He sees that Constable Mike is on a shift pattern from 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM and, since he is a suitable match, assigns him to partially fill the shift. PC Jones submits the changes and Constable Mike is now scheduled to the shift.
The system validates the change and creates two new unstaffed shifts - one from 5:00 AM to 12:00 PM and one from 6:00 PM to 11:00 PM- to fulfill the coverage for the remaining unstaffed portions of this shift.
Now PC Jones can fill the two newly-created unstaffed shifts either by finding and manually assigning employees or using the auto-assign functionality.