Maximum Hours Per Schedule Rule

The Max Hours Per Schedule rule determines whether an employee has exceeded the maximum number of hours that he or she is permitted to work per schedule. This rule counts the sum of the hours of all shifts in the schedule.


Shift length is calculated for the Max Hours Per Schedule rule as follows and compared to appropriate specified max value:

If SO_APPLY_SHIFT_WITH_NO_WORK_ACT_TO_WORK_HOURS registry parameter is set to True and a shift does not have any working activities, then shift length is calculated as follows:

Shift length = Total shift time – Any non-working activities (regardless if paid/unpaid)

If SO_APPLY_SHIFT_WITH_NO_WORK_ACT_TO_WORK_HOURS registry parameter is set to False, shift length is calculated as follows:

  • If default labor is paid:

    Shift length = Shift detail length - (Unpaid breaks + Non-working activities)

  • If default labor is unpaid:

    Shift length = Total working activity length – Unpaid non-working activity + Paid non-working activity

The system shows a violation if the schedule assigns the employee to more than his or her maximum hours.

The Schedule Validation begins counting the hours of the shifts that start on the initial day of the schedule week, and continues counting all hours through the schedule. This includes counting all scheduled hours from shifts that start on the last day of the schedule, even if they continue into the first day of the next schedule. For example, 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM. See Case 4.

If this rule is set with a Max Hours Per Schedule value of 40 hours and a 7-day schedule period starting Sunday, it defines a schedule week from Sunday 12:00 AM to Saturday 11:59 PM. Using the specified week, the following examples demonstrate the Schedule Validation report results.