
Coverage refers to the actual number of scheduled employees compared to the required number of employees for a specific time slot or job time, as defined in the staffing requirements.

A ratio is shown at the top of the Schedule panel indicating the current coverage state, in the form x/y. The x (number on the left) represents the actual number of employees currently assigned, determined by the schedule details of staffed shifts. The y (number on the right) represents the required number of employees to be scheduled, which is determined by the staffing requirements. This ratio allows you to discern at a glance whether a schedule is overstaffed, understaffed, or staffed as required.

Coverage is typically calculated using only working activities. The default activity (as defined by staffing requirements) is used to determine coverage calculations so it must be configured as a working activity. If the default activity is not configured to be a working activity, none of the staffed shifts will count towards coverage because the system will view them all as non-working time.

Non-working activities, such as breaks, are not included in coverage calculations unless you specifically configure them to be part of the calculations. You can configure types of breaks to be included in coverage calculations by defining them as working activities, as long as they are not excluded from coverage calculations with the COVERAGE_EXCLUDED_ACTS parameter. For information about this parameter, see the Registry Parameter Reference Guide.