Modification Per Session
If necessary, schedulers can widen or narrow the list of eligible employees on a per-shift basis for the current session by clicking the Rules link in the Schedule Details panel. The Employee Find and Sort Configuration page displays, where you can modify the search criteria used to retrieve eligible employees and the sort order of the results.
Any Employee Find and Sort Order settings changed using the Rules link persist only for the session and do not overwrite the default criteria.
To modify a setting (for the default configuration or the current shift/session), select or clear the required check box(es) and configure the item. If the check box is selected, that criterion, as specified in the related drop-down list, will be used in the search execution. If the check box is cleared, that criterion will not be used in the search execution.
The date is an implicit criterion that has to match the date of the shift you want to fill and cannot be changed.
If you need to revert back to the default configuration settings defined by the administrator, click Restore Defaults on the Employee Find and Sort Configuration page.